Introduction Fabric is Microsoft’s recently announced SaaS all-in-one analytics platform. It brings together Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI into a single cohesive platform without the overhead of setting up resources, maintenance, and configuration. Fabric wouldn’t be an end-to-end data analytics platform without data science, so in this blog we will explore…… Continue reading Exploring Machine Learning in Microsoft Fabric: Should Data Scientists care?
Author: tori.tompkins
Feature Stores and Why You Need Them
The Machine Learning and DevOps are generally well established within the data industry, with most teams having some experience with one or both and the value added by their inclusion in workflows and implementations. MLOps, sometimes called Operational Machine Learning, on the other hand is still a relatively new. MLOps aims to resolve the challenges…… Continue reading Feature Stores and Why You Need Them
What is MLOps and Why Do You Need It?
MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) is the set of processes for the production ML lifecycle, basically a way to efficiently and reliably deploy and maintain ML models in production. In this blog I cover the 6 stages of the MLOps lifecycle and why they’re essential.
Model Deployment Options in Azure
There are so many options to deploy models in Azure that is can get quite overwhelming. In this blog, we break down all the available options and consider the pros and cons of each tooling option. AZURE MACHINE LEARNING Azure ML Logo Azure Machine Learning is a native Azure cloud offering for accelerating and managing…… Continue reading Model Deployment Options in Azure
Using GPT-3 Model to Generate Romantic Comedy Movie Summaries
Valentines Day is approaching and what better way to celebrate than to play around with GPT-3 Completion to create an entire Romantic Comedy movie summary from just a tiny prompt. This blog was inspired by Janelle Shane’s AI Weirdness blog where she uses GPT-3 models to create all sorts of cool things, most recently AI…… Continue reading Using GPT-3 Model to Generate Romantic Comedy Movie Summaries
Querying Movie Data on Wikipedia using DBpedia and SPARQL
Getting data from Wikipedia is no easy feat. At first glance, it seems like the easiest way would be to scrape data using a web crawler such as Beautiful Soup but this is highly likely to get your client blocked. Not to mention the sheer number of pages you’ll need to crawl if you are…… Continue reading Querying Movie Data on Wikipedia using DBpedia and SPARQL
Getting Started with Graph Analysis in NetworkX
NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex graphs. It’s a really cool package that contains heaps of graph algorithms for all different uses. In this tutorial, I will cover how to create a graph from an edge list and different ways we can…… Continue reading Getting Started with Graph Analysis in NetworkX
How to Fix Different Types of Model Drift
Introduction Model drift refers to the decline of model performance due to changes in data and relationships. Most drift is caused by things entirely out of our control so while we can’t stop it from happening, we can identify and mitigate it. Feature Drift Also known as Data Drift, Feature Drift is the changing of…… Continue reading How to Fix Different Types of Model Drift
Identifying Data Outliers in Apache Spark 3.0
The secret to getting machine learning to work effectively is in ensuring that the data we are using for training is as clean as possible and has any bias removed from it. When working with machine learning, we should be building in a generalised mode and to do this we need to understand what is…… Continue reading Identifying Data Outliers in Apache Spark 3.0
Will Koalas replace PySpark?
One of the first of many big announcements at the 2020 Spark and AI Summit was the official release of Koalas 1.0, the pandas API on top of Apache Spark. This blog will explore how Koalas differs from PySpark. Pandas and Spark To understand what makes Koalas so important, you need to understand the importance…… Continue reading Will Koalas replace PySpark?